I am looking for a free cpanel host with Fantastico and xoops to create a social networking site. Must be able to upload .sql files via ftp as all xoops modules require this to work. I would like at least 1gb of space to start with option to upgrade to paid hosting if site goes well. As far as ads go I would prefer to do a banner link back to host in site's footer rather than google ads but I'm open to this.
Seems most good free hosts only offer like 300MB of space, or put restrictions on php/mysql. The site will just be a fun social networking site for me and my online friends.
Update: Would like to avoid post2host if possible
I am looking for a free cpanel host with Fantastico and xoops to create a social networking site. Must be able to upload .sql files via ftp as all xoops modules require this to work. I would like at least 1gb of space to start with option to upgrade to paid hosting if site goes well. As far as ads go I would prefer to do a banner link back to host in site's footer rather than google ads but I'm open to this.
Seems most good free hosts only offer like 300MB of space, or put restrictions on php/mysql. The site will just be a fun social networking site for me and my online friends.
Update: Would like to avoid post2host if possible
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