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Recently i bought template Design from one software company.....
it was really good.......
i didn't mention my design... they designed related my topic....
it was really good.....
I design everything myself, because I like to know exactly what I'm working with, but template sites are incredibly useful for coming up with ideas myself. When I need to come up with a design and my idea is looking kind of generic, or too similar to something I've done in the past, I'll check out template sites for ideas, or design sites like Zen Garden or Smashing Magazine. Smashing Magazine is probably my favorite out of all of those, though. They've got lots of general, technical, and "theory" articles on design.
I prefer to use everything custom. You can get the design catered around your business this way and if its done correctly it will leave users with a memorable experience to come back to.
Template Monster templates have saved me hundreds of hours. They have so many options I just browse and purchase then customize. I end up making so many changes the site looks nothing like the original template.
I prefer custom, or used to. Lately I've become interested in templates, particularly with HTML5. I've just come across a Website with some fantastic designs, refer below:
There are a variety of new Templates for web design so mostly use templates because designing a site is a long process and demands lot of time.But I prefer doing custom designing as you can make your site according to your own style.Also templates are being used by many designers nowadays so there is no uniqueness in using templates.
When I was a newbie in the business and web designing, I used templates too. But it was never a solution. Custom made designs are more reliable and visitors love to see something different.