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Does google accept sites if they don't have visitors yet?


Does google accept sites if they do not have visitors yet?

I want adsense before I launch my site/forum.

I am merging my forum with another forum and we are making them into a completely new one.

Both forums combined have 2,500 members and 700,000 posts. The oldest forum is 1 year and 3 months old so we basically average well over 1,000 posts a day.

The forum is about sports and sports graphics.
yeah they accepted one of my crappy sites with 3 html pages
you get quicker acceptance once you make a blogger blog
Mine didn't even have content.

It was about 50 words on the dead language Qbasic :p

Nooby memories!
Yes, they'll accept. ALso, just make sure that the sites aren't down during the time they visit as its the only reason other than TOS violation of not being accepted.
They rejected me.

Can anyone tell me why??

I don't have a main site yet but I do have a very active forum.

Take a look:


My site was down a few days but they didn;t send me the rejection email until about 3 days after it was back up.

Maybe they reviewed it and sent the email a few days later?

What ad company or companies run valueclick.net and casalemedia.com ads?
Yes they do, but keep in mind that they easily ban an account for making money to fast. Build your # visitors and # links on a steady basis.
i agree with Dehisce. Google won't accept incomplete or kind of "under construction" site. just complete it first, launch it and then a few weeks later apply for adsense.