Hey guys, thanks for keeping this thread alive. It will prove useful.
I just woke up, 11:35 am EST. Went to bed (to attempt to sleep) around 4am EST.
I'd like to say, thanks to much of our redundancy, there is quite a lot of customers, that we thought would not be restored, actually getting restored.
I hope this satisfies a lot of the clientele.
Legal action is definately, without question, being persued at this time. All three parites involved.
If Gavin and Doomachine2000 do not pro-actively release personal information to any members of my firm, then we will use the FBI to gain that personal information.
Some personal notes for everyone directly involved:
This is not something that will NOT go away.
Paypal locking is nothing compared to the potential sanctions that are only due.
The shame I feel alone to 700 sites that trusted one of my servers is tremendous, how do I address these people? (Which I have yet to do completely).
Being today is Sunday, there is only 24 hours remaining, NY Time, for the personal information to be sent, emailed, called in, carrier Pigeoned over, or personally delivered. Monday morning is a regular business day.
I am only more angered with the fact I've not accomplished anything in regards to moving forward, while not even sleeping well.