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does anyone know of any free webhosts that Support the cgi scripting extension of .php

I wanted to install the program for this message board onto my own site but i need to find a free host (if any) that possibly supports the .php cgi script extension.

(PHP and/or MySQL)

also, i need it to be able to login using WS_FTP or any ftp client for that matter other than a online browser file manager.

php service

jumpworld is down in most hours,
surecity is extremely slow in most hours,
in xoasis, php & perl don't work,
mycgiserver recoverd there speed after stopping perl service, php is fine.
well, surecity is ALWAYS slow.. they need more ram or a better connection.. probley a 56k they have
Originally posted by LawTown Junky
surecity is on 28.8k i think it takesd about 5 years and a day to load a page
and there cgi isn't all too great either

more like 9.6 K connection and it never loads...also, check this out: the way they tell u to chmod the cgi-bin prevents anything from being used! :p

when u chmod the cgi-bin, u are supposed to chmod it to 711 so at least the scripts can be executed. 700 is only for personal storage where you dont want a nosy jacka55 taking your info
Re: DataBlocks Connection?????

Originally posted by michael p bennett
View my post about datablocks and it might change your mind

How stupid are you???? He is CO-LOCATING his server with his cable company. Why don't you stop dissing on John; he is a great guy who is working hard to provide a good service and you are really getting on his nerves. What did he do to you to deserve all this?

Co-locating means he has his server connected to whatever connection his ISP currently has. Probably a T3 or higher, which is more than adequate for a FWP his size. If he is co-locating with them he has much more than a cable connection; I can guarantee that. His site loads fast anyway.

Sorry to jump down your throat here, I know you have been at this forum almost as long as I have but you really have no reason to diss him so much and drive away customers. He has helped me out with my server so many times; he really knows his stuff and you are making him look bad.

So what if his design is a ripoff of BootBox? He didn't do the design himself, and he intends to replace it with a more original one in the future. Besides, BootBox service is so bad they almost deserve to have their design stolen.
Thanks for the support Tom :)

Micheal, I dunno why u still think I have a cable connection.. like 5 people including myself have proven you wrong..

I am co-located at my cable company! infact my old server was in the same rack as can-host! theirs were right above mine!

jeez man, do your homework

Apolgies to DataBlocks (=.

Sorry John - I have dissed you but my main reason is over the stories changing so much. Keep the stories straight and clear in future (=.

I dont see where you or anyone else has proven me wrong. I could care less who co-los your server. I could care less about anything to do with your server. I just pointed out that the ip you had was that of a cable company. As I have said before I think you have a great free service, probably one of the best I've ever seen and everyone else agrees. i must say you do know what you were doing and talking about. Youre a smart feller John and you should be rewarded. I must say John congratulations on running a successful ad-free fwp.
Originally posted by michael p bennett
View my post about datablocks and it might change your mind

Point is Michael, the IP address alone doesn't indicate what type of connection the server is hooked into. You assumed the server was being run off a home cable connection. I don't personally know whether it is or it isn't, but I surely can't tell by the IP address.

A paid host by the name of Can-host had the same problem. They colocated their servers (not sure if they even do it anymore), at the same facility (Mountain Cable). People automatically assumed that since the IP address was registered to a cable compnay, they were hosted off a home cable connection. There are times when an IP lookup leads you to the wrong conclusion.

Bringing it up again in this thread isn't needed as it has been covered and unless you know otherwise, or believe John to be the lying, cheating type, I don't see the point at getting in a dig.

Please let the issue rest, and continue on...