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There are some, but the ones I found aren't working anymore. It's a bugger not being able to send email with my domain name because my ISP's SMTP server wouldn't allow anyother access besides when I use its own POP3 first. My web hosting only offers POP3 without SMTP.
Free SMTPs(or dumb SMTPs) are hard to find. I knew that netzero could be used with a different pop3 address. Except some of the access numbers wouldn'tallow it .. or would. Just depends if your lucky to get one that allows it.
But my suggestion is that you sign up with a good Web-Email client and just send email out thru that. There are some POP3 only web-clients that act as your email client.
If there are any free smtp servers they'll be bogged down or eventually crashed or shutdown from overuse by hackers and mailbombers, i learned that one a long time ago. There are a number of different free email servers out there that you can run from your home as long as you dont' have a dialup internet connections, even if you do, but it's good to have a static IP if you want to have a domain with your email, I'd be glad to help you set it up. Check out
I finally settled with NetZero *just* because I could use their SMTP servers for my domain. It all works fine now Talking about having my own SMTP server, I recently tried PostCast Server - but I couldn't make it work for some reason. Maybe because I have a dial-up connection or something. Anyways thanks!