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FRP teaches satanism?

Does role playing games affect people's mind badly?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 100.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
What do you think?!
I mean, there are some IDIOT people out there who think Role Playing games affect players, puts them at the DM's command, conveys them to murder or suicide, makes them satanists, and that FRP is a tool of the satan!

I just wonder if ANY such person is here with the same idea. I am a DM for 7 years and lately I'm getting in trouble. Do you think that I am a killer?
I'm not quite sure I know exactly what you're talking about, but I'm one of those people that thinks that blaming the world's problems on video games is taking the easy, lazy way out, and in general is a stupid idea.
I played RPGs for a while AD&D, shadowrun, etc. Im not a satanist, some people are just plain stupid.. a waste of dna .. I think its an excellent way to pass time and is a lot more fun than your plain old video games.
Its the belief of people who can't THINK! Those who can't IMAGINE. They also hate sci-fi movies for "not being realistic" too! How many of you went to "Minority Report" or "Star Wars" just to see the action or the actor?
Small minded people with small framed accusations.
Of course not!

I'm sure all those people who play CS have a hankering for killing, and those who have played GTA are involved in gang activities. :rolleyes:

The people who say so are just finding excuses - things to blame on for unappropriate and/or unexpected behavior. Lame, I say. They ought to think about more realistic problems, such as peer pressure and/or family disputes etc.
It's not the TV shows, or the video games, or Eminem. It's lazy parents who use the TV as a babysitter, or just don't want or know how to discipline their children properly that there's shit going on in the world.
Originally posted by Blank Verse
It's not the TV shows, or the video games, or Eminem. It's lazy parents who use the TV as a babysitter, or just don't want or know how to discipline their children properly that there's shit going on in the world.

I fully agree