Originally posted by harrypower
protestors in the uk are breaking into military bases and disabling air craft and b52 support vehicles...... GG
Well, I think that's stupid, for a start. "Anti-war protestors" they call themselves, and what do they go out doing? Destructing things. Beating people up. It's so stupid.
As for America's weapon count, they will soon have NINE times the amount of weapons than the following nine leading countries in that department put together. NINE! That is absolutely ridiculous, dangerous and downright frightening.
It is so easy for bumbling fools like Bush to declare war. They'll be sitting safely, while it's people my age, young people, who are out there risking their arses for some stupid war which is not necessary. Why now? And if Iraq poses such a threat, why were the weapons sold to Hussein in the first place? This weak excuse about "weapons getting into the hands of terrorists" is such a load of crap. Taking these weapons from Iraq won't stop that. Does Bush honestly think that terrorists groups don't have the capacity to make weapons of mass-destruction and biological weapons themselves?
- Why isn't the U.N. backing this war? Because it is not a war being fought for the right reasons.
- If there is this mysterious damning evidence against Iraq, why not show the world? Prove your case? Could it perhaps be because there is no daming evidence? That is such a weak justification to hide behind. You've got it, show it. Don't just claim it.
I am tired of the likes of Bush, who thinks he can march around with such undeniable arrogance and think he can control the world. North Korea would seem more of a threat than Iraq right now, but no, let's have this war with Iraq anyway.
As for John Howard - bumbling fool #2. It greatly concerns me our country is in the hands of such a little lapdog, as somebody quoted earlier, because that is exactly what he is. A weak, pathetic lapdog. We will not stand for him in the next election.