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I'm still wondering if he actually was a student, or if that was simply a cover up for the grossly failed business. I'm not 100% convinced that I believe the guy, to be honest.
I'm still wondering if he actually was a student, or if that was simply a cover up for the grossly failed business. I'm not 100% convinced that I believe the guy, to be honest.
There was plenty of doubt here too, though it was one of the more unusual reasons given for a failed host. I was pretty upset because I thought conceptually he had the next innovation in hosting, which was owner-assistance installing web apps which I for example know nothing about. He got a 1% sliver of luck that I hadn't gotten serious using my apps, because then I would have been livid when he folded. In a way that's why I do old school upload posting, so that no host failing can really take me down.
As many of you pointed out - there are a lot of abusers of the system. Some time ago I had my account suspended by resellerclub(directi) because I didn't look into one of my users who was hosting illegal stuff. They thought I am the culprit (Well I am responsible for the content in my hosting) and it took some convincing to let them give back my domain.
But I really hope to continue to provide free hosting for a long time to come - there are a few genuine guys who really want this to know about hosting.
I agree with the guys before saying the abusers really kill it. I was the community manager of Post2Host World before I revived it a few days ago, and the abusers were hosting things like russian porn, CPU-intensive scripts, nulled scripts, the whole nine yards.
The other reason "free" hosts close is because they aren't making a huge income from it. That's why Post2Host World died in the first place and many free hosts die.