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Anyone know of a host that supports Python where I can tinker on?
I'm just curious as to the merits of this language are and want mess around with it a bit. It's supposed to be C and Perl-like. Anyone have experience with Python?
Since you asked, supports Python. We have a couple other people using it right now, and it'd probably be perfect just to tinker with. I myself don't know much Python.
i meant to say a "free host", but I really shouldn't have to because this is website is about freewebspace, with exception to the paid hosting forum.. there's plenty out there that have python, but not for free, at least to my knowledge..
again, anyone else know a free host with python support?
Alot of servers (free) already have Python already installed on their systems, some sysadmins might not even know since its not a very popular language. To see if you have it on your free host just make a CGI script and on the first like just put the location you think its located at, if you have access to a shell use whereis or which, or just make a shell script with whereis/which in it.