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Hosting for more than 1 domain


New Member
Hi I have about 40 domain names Only 3 are ready to be hosted but will be adding at lest 6 more this year I was wondering if Subaccounts with FTP access means hosting of other domain names. ty John.
You might want to ask the host that offers that feature what that is defined by. If you want my suggestion, look for a reseller plan if your going to be hosting all those domains.
Probably not...

Hi 1st,

I do not think subaccounts with FTP accounts mean you could host multiple domains on them. If you host allows it, they can divide your webspace and bandwidth among the domains you want to host, otherwise, you would really be better off to go with a reseller. With a reseller, you can set up your own accounts for your other domains without the hassle of asking your host.

I hope this helps a bit.
It will depend on what services you want for those additional domains as well. Do you want email and seperate FTP, and usage statistics for them all? Or do you want to simply point all the domains to their own subfolders for the content?

My suggestion, is you're going to better off with a reseller account.


Subaccounts? You mean subdomains? =a glorified folder @ the same site.

Anyway, there's the rub. I seriously doubt if your host will allow more than 1 domain per account. Very few offer 2...even fewer allow 5. They want us to sign-up for multiple accounts.

You have 40 domains? You must be very wealthy and should seek professional help. :D