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Just for those who have/have had company names in the past... How did you come up with your name? Is it a personal reference to something? Or did you just use your real name? Etc...
I've used my real name, you could have your initials and then the business sector you're in (for example AHG Hosting). For some web2.0 websites I've found out what words are in latin, and adjusted slightly. Also thesauruses are useful (there's a visual synonym finder which I've used several times). Some companies are acronyms but you wouldn't necessarily know - such as Adidas (All Day I Dream About Sport).
Easy, I took my first name and my last name and put them together... then I put a space between my first and last name to make it look like it's my real name. It actually really is my real name.
Normally, company name is derived from the owner's name, initial or any related stuffs from him/her. Any related stuffs like for example zodiac sign, favorite food, etc. Something unique, something interesting to the people.