You sure ain't a candidate for a spelling beel o l u joka. ok i was bored @ dat tym!!!
Better start saving your penniesI'm thinking it'll be up another 2 years, someone buys them out and turns it into porn. Your thoughts?
Which is when? By that time, we won't be alive to see it anyway...It will go when the internet is old news and nobody wants websites.
Which is when? By that time, we won't be alive to see it anyway...
I wouldn't bet on it, it's like teletext, that was all the rage when I was a real young kid, you could book your holidays on it, play games on it, all sorts - now most television networks dont bother to broadcast that information anymore because they have it on their websites or affiliate websites, something is bound to come along just like it did to dear old teletext ........
Exactly.What's teletext?