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According to me, Logo design is very important thing for business website because it will help you to show your business product personality so it must be clean and attractive. I think Adobe photoshop is one of the best tool for it. You can make a any type of logo very easy to help of it. Because it has good features for graphics design.
If you want to design a logo for your own site then I think you should create it with a tool rather than using any logo designing site. You can create a logo as per your requirement with the help of these tools like Corel Draw and Photoshop for free. The Online logo designing sites are not offering all features for free to design a logo while these tools manage to creates any logo design.
Its easy but you have to do hard work.... am not a designer or not a flashier ... but i know how to make logo and know little bit changes in a design. How i learn to make a logo, its pretty easy.... go to youtube and search your question(how to make a logo) and see the step by step making a logo. Try it and see what you get. As i told you, you have to do hard work.... because practice makes perfect.