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How to make on page changes


New Member
What is on page SEO techniques and how to improve site's ranking with on site. please share the tips for on site SEO
Well this is the wrong forum, but on-page you want the structure thus:
<title>Whatever Title</title>
<h1>Title (or main heading)</h1>
<p>Content continues...</p>
<p>Said content...</p>
<h2>Another sub-heading</h2>
<p>More said content...</p>
<div id="links>
<h1>Website Navigation</h1>
<li><a href=#>Link to page on website</a></li>
<li><a href=#>Another link to page on website</a></li>
<li><a href=#>Yet another link to page on website</a></li>
Avoid the image tag whever possible; instead use CSS to insert images (or replace the text with the image). For instance if your heading is an image you use: <h1 id=MainHeading><span>Heading</span></h1> on-page, and then in the CSS document (stylesheet): h1 span{display:none;} #MainHeading{background: transparent url(/graphics/headingimage.png) left top no-repeat; height: 130px;}

That in a nutshell pretty much sums up "on-page seo" techniques; in other words the raw HTML document is in the most logical order possible.
From my awareness, the latest Google updates tend to focus more on sites with more contents on their pages. I think this is very valuable if your page can have the right amount of keywords within a specific phrase (but not too much that it looks obvious that you want to increase your page ranking).
Yes, I'm also agree with cheekychristie. All our site pages must contain all the valuable data with the short but a neat description.
On site changes

On site is important for any site. You can not make the good ranking without on completing the on site factors like meta, heading , description and the site content. These are most important factors for any site.