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managed wordpress hosting

i just need a decent host.

Dark Gotenks

New Member
well i'm tired of finding one. and maybe someone could suggest me a host.

what i need is a few simple stuff.
-common features supported sich as php, cgi, and all those other ones
- some sub domains so that i may host other ppl to
- around 100-500 megs
- 2-8gb of bandwidth would be good (unlimited even better!)
- fast server
- paid in australian money (if in US, i might get that considering on what comes with the package)

and that's about it..so if anyone can help me out...i would be soo glad....thanks
I would recommend you steer clear of any host that offers you unlimited bandwidth. It is simply a marketing ploy. Thousands of customers have already discovered if you ever exceed what they consider to be their limit, often as low as a couple Gig, they will find a way to dump you.

Find a reputable host.
Be willing to pay a reasonable fee.
<<Hosts may NOT respond to general questions posted by members who are looking for advice/opinions/suggestions/recommendations on which host to choose.>>
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