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I like wasting free web-host`s staff time Blog - Read This

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I'm not a lier at all, I may have got the reasons wrong but guess what, I deal with many support threads daily as welll as other things. You have no idea of what happens behind the scenes, you can't comment what we do and allow on the host.

I posted on that thread when I saw it in Google. I didn't join to post there, but even if I did, why does it matter? What we allow as a free host has to be very strict, we've been in several big occasions with people like Softlayer and even the Bank of US. So you can't tell me what we can allow and can't.

In the TOS it clearly quotes:

So guess what, we did have the right to suspend your account. We maintain the highest amount of security on there. Any minor load blips, security issues will be dealt with.

For proof, here's the support thread:

i told you lier because you had said aron suspsended my account for redirecting to co.nr domain, which was not true, if you handle many support members, then you should also know that before commenting on a person you should have check the thread where aron had said, he suspended due to my blog in blogspot redirection, i wont have minded even if you had suspended an account for breaking tos, which i didnt do it, because in your hosting rules, this was not mention anywhere that redirection to any other sites, will leads to suspension of an account, which should have mention, but no you didnt mention nor allowed me to take a backup.

power4hosting what happend to your account and why it was downgraded was due to something we did which downgraded all accounts. We also felt that 500 mbs was too much to give you due to your lack of forum posting. True to posted a fare amount but not like some of our users. If you would have been more active in our forum then you might have recived the upgrade. At the time of your first upgrade we had more space. But as things grew we lost space to more accounts. Since we at stonerocket don't oversell we wanted to stretch out the server for as long as we could before we had to pay more money to get a bigger server.

As you can see your last post in the free hosting support thread was for a domain change. I changed the domain for you http://www.stonerocket.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=23408&highlight=#23408


Yes we did have a problem with something on our server. As you can see we sorted that out also.

this DJB would have told me through PM or in the topic where i had created for help, and wanted to know the reason, because when i wanted help from you blaster, you had told me my account manager is DJB and i should talk to him through PM, when i PM him thrice, not a single time i got a reply, if the less post was the reason for downgrading it, then he should tell me this, i would have posted more in the forum, but as per the hosting plan, i had done that much post, after that also i was always active in the site, i used to also posts in the topic which i used to feel is interesting or i should reply it. and btw do you think 60 posts is less for 500mb space? which other host gives for just 30 posts.

Whoever created that blog (http://webhostinguide.blogspot.com) is a complete unconsidered selfish idiot!


Who are you to judge any of those hosting sites who work their asses off to give a service to people who have no money to pay for paid hosting. They are helping these people.

Then some looser comes a creates this imaginary BLACKLIST blog critizing these sites who not only get nothing in return, but have to take your fu*ken bull---- criticism.

It's like me or someone else deciding to create a blacklist on 20 people on earth. And one of them is the non-nonsensical moron called: stonerocket

If you have one ethical consideration for giving these poor hosting sites a break, you'd take down that blog. But nooooooo. I don't think thats going to happen, now will it.

do you know the meaning of selfish? selfish is the person who think about themself, and btw mind your tongue, before you speak something wrong, look thats my point of view about those blacklisted host, i am not telling you or anyone else to follow my point of view, everyone has different views, i cannot stop you to do anything, in same way you cannot stop me for doing anything, and i am not telling anyone here to view the site or asking any feedback about my site. keep your comments with you only.

there are many other visitors who help me to blacklist the site, they email me or write a comment in the blog itself, what they have experienced, if you dont like it dont visit it, this is not going to stop me to write what i want about my experience.
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i told you lier because you had said aron suspsended my account for redirecting to co.nr domain, which was not true, if you handle many support members, then you should also know that before commenting on a person you should have check the thread where aron had said, he suspended due to my blog in blogspot redirection, i wont have minded even if you had suspended an account for breaking tos, which i didnt do it, because in your hosting rules, this was not mention anywhere that redirection to any other sites, will leads to suspension of an account, which should have mention, but no you didnt mention nor allowed me to take a backup.

Like I said, I deal with many support threads, I don't know what everything what happens. In our TOS we don't need to mention anything, we don't have to warn you. If there's content we don't allow, its suspended.
Like I said, I deal with many support threads, I don't know what everything what happens. In our TOS we don't need to mention anything, we don't have to warn you. If there's content we don't allow, its suspended.

then what is tos for? just for name sake? if you do it what you feel, this itself shows how good your host must be, i didnt had any much content in my blog that made you or aaron suspend the a/c. i had redirected to my blog because i was working on my main smf forum, and i didnt wanted members to see the forum without its completion, so that was the temporary redirection which i had done to blog, but you guys suspended my a/c just before i redirect to my main forum, and that is something unfair, but anyways now i am not bothered about my account anymore, and i further not going to reply here, because i am not mad to waste my time on such a silly arguement, but you guys carry on, and whatever you wish you comment, but since here no one knows me, i am least bothered what someone thinks about me, my work is only mainly on my blog, not over here. cia all
Whoever created that blog (http://webhostinguide.blogspot.com) is a complete unconsidered selfish idiot!


Who are you to judge any of those hosting sites who work their asses off to give a service to people who have no money to pay for paid hosting. They are helping these people.

Then some looser comes a creates this imaginary BLACKLIST blog critizing these sites who not only get nothing in return, but have to take your fu*ken bull---- criticism.

It's like me or someone else deciding to create a blacklist on 20 people on earth. And one of them is the non-nonsensical moron called: stonerocket

If you have one ethical consideration for giving these poor hosting sites a break, you'd take down that blog. But nooooooo. I don't think thats going to happen, now will it.

I dont think jumping into a thread with that kind of attitude or language will help anyone either. Also, free hosts do make a little return on ads and such, it may only help pay for the servers but its a return.

Also a person has a right to an opinion of a service, free or not. The OP did not mention they expected the service to work like a PAID service.

She created the blog on her understanding and opinion of the service she received, which is what people do, when you get told someones opinion of something, its about their experience with the service... and she rightfully blogged hers, its how she perceived what was going on, not you.

While it didn't say in the TOS that the user could use the account basically to redirect to somewhere else, it was not in the companies interest to host her and her account was shutdown, as far as i know, theres nothing wrong with that. Terms of service are set out to show what you may or may not do but usually also cover the company in case what you do is frowned upon and not something the company would like to continue doing.
You just lost...come on. How can you say my TOS has no meaning. I pointed out the bit which said we can suspend/terminate your account without warning or reason. Do your self a favour and burn your pc.
then what is tos for? just for name sake? if you do it what you feel, this itself shows how good your host must be, i didnt had any much content in my blog that made you or aaron suspend the a/c.

Did you actually read his TOS or even his post?:
We reserve the right to terminate any clients hosting without prior warning and without giving justification for the termination

If you don't like this rule, then that's your problem, you should not have agreed to it, when signing up for one of their services.

So if they have said you have done something wrong, they don't have to tell you, as you have agreed to it. And even if your website had not done anything wrong according to their TOS, then that little quote above gives them every right to terminate/suspend your account; just as you agreed to it. Apart from the quote above, there are many things in their TOS which gives them the right to do whatever to your account; again from which you agreed to!
See those other companies that give you like 500 megs of space usually don't last long. Now i'm sorry that we couldn't meat your demands but to say that we suck and should be blacklisted is selfish. When you had problems we where pretty fast to react besides that last problem you had with us. You have to agree on that one.
See those other companies that give you like 500 megs of space usually don't last long. Now i'm sorry that we couldn't meat your demands but to say that we suck and should be blacklisted is selfish. When you had problems we where pretty fast to react besides that last problem you had with us. You have to agree on that one.

Me = Second.

This ----- just wants freehosts gone.
I think I'm gonna' close this thread now before anything else is said.

I can't see anything good coming out of a thread like this anyways ..can you?
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