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I think this is the place to put this


NLC Honorary Member
I like the new board. Much faster but hard to get used too. My question is are chatrooms ever going to come around?
I'm not too excited about a chat room at this time.

But if someone can point out a good webmaster related site with a chat with useful/interesting discussions I'll take a look at it and I might reconsider.
the way I see it, a chatroom whould take too much work. And I wonder how much it will stay on topic and how many people will be on. In my opinion i wouldnt put one up. but then again you never know.
The SitePoint Forums (http://www.sitepointforums.com) installed a chat room a few months ago. It worked good for a while, but then they had too close it due to people getting out of hand, etc.. And believe me, chat room topics hardly ever work unless STRICTLY enforced. So I'd say just keep the forums for a while and if the demand gets really high for a chat room then test it out and see what happens...