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Link baiting

Link baiting, or link bait is one of the marketing strategies used to boost a website's visibility in search engines, such as Google. It's like this, if a website page/blog that is well- written, funny or unique in some way, people will want to link to it simply because they like it and think that others will like it also.
To add to that, I have read that you want to try to have link bait on your blog every few posts. There's no need to try every post, it's difficult to produce that much content worth linking to.
Linkbait is essentially a piece of content placed on a web page - whether it's an article, blog post, picture, or any other section of cyberspace - that is designed for the specific intention of gathering links from as many different sources as possible.

With the rise of the blogosphere, meritocracy and social bookmarking sites, all it takes is one interesting page on a site, someone to notice the page, and a few people to share the link - and before you know it, you've accrued a large number of links across a wide variety of sites.