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Looking for a freewebhosting desesperately


New Member
Hi there, it's me again. :tired2:
I'm sick of looking for a host as you may be sick of reading me asking for a good one. :cry2:
I would like to find a free webhosting for my fansite. With no posting required, no PM things. I've experienced some kind of trouble while trying to sign up for a host. This guy wanted me to choose some paid plan but he said they had a xmas offer and that they wont charge me anything. But if I have learned one thing from years of watching The XFiles (the site is not about this), it was to "Trust No one" :shame: , so I won't register for a paid plan to be charged later.
If someone knows a free professional host, like the one I had before www.freelinuxhost.com, but with small ads or at least not a top banner, please reply me.

All I want is:
-50 mb or more space
-1 GB or more bandwidth
-and if possible no ads, or text ads or an ad I can place just on my index cos I use frames ( only .html ) .
-and truly free.

Thanks :)
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If you are looking for reliable free web hosts with no ads or postings, it will be tough as 'there's no free lunch in this world'. There will be some kind of strings attached. You might want to try some of the more reliable and veteran hosts here like Lifeless People.
we can help but we require posting and ads to be placed
add me to MSN [clement_1985@hotmail.com] or pm me if you are interested
I can offer you 100MB of disc space, and 1Gb of bandwidth on a reliable server with Dual Xeon processors. Your site will be up 99% of the time. You will get unlimited everything else, including MySQL databases, Email accounts, ftp accounts, everything you can think of!
We do not require any forum posting, and no annoying popups. We do however, prefer that you place our banner on your index page only.
If your interested, go to http://helphousehosting.com and you can read more about our great free hosting plans. Thanks in advance!
Vanilla_Garner said:
Hi there, it's me again. :tired2:
I'm sick of looking for a host as you may be sick of reading me asking for a good one. :cry2:
I would like to find a free webhosting for my fansite. With no posting required, no PM things. I've experienced some kind of trouble while trying to sign up for a host. This guy wanted me to choose some paid plan but he said they had a xmas offer and that they wont charge me anything. But if I have learned one thing from years of watching The XFiles (the site is not about this), it was to "Trust No one" :shame: , so I won't register for a paid plan to be charged later.
If someone knows a free professional host, like the one I had before www.freelinuxhost.com, but with small ads or at least not a top banner, please reply me.

All I want is:
-50 mb or more space
-1 GB or more bandwidth
-and if possible no ads, or text ads or an ad I can place just on my index cos I use frames ( only .html ) .
-and truly free.

Thanks :)

What exactly do you need the host for? I work with a paid hosting company and if it isn't anything illegal or resource hogging I might be able to help you out.
jiehao85 said:
If you are looking for reliable free web hosts with no ads or postings, it will be tough as 'there's no free lunch in this world'. There will be some kind of strings attached. You might want to try some of the more reliable and veteran hosts here like Lifeless People.

Veteran host.. hmm.. cool. :p