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Major power outage in NA

1 Power Grid was powered by several power plants, 1 plant got overloaded or something, and caused the other plants to shut down.
Originally posted by Daniel
1 Power Grid was powered by several power plants, 1 plant got overloaded or something, and caused the other plants to shut down.
Ah, that makes more sense. :)
However, that doesn't seem very secure to me, I mean look at what that has caused already.
Originally posted by jmiller

However, that doesn't seem very secure to me, I mean look at what that has caused already.
It's cost effective.

Oh well, atleast Quebec still has power.
Originally posted by Daniel
1 Power Grid was powered by several power plants, 1 plant got overloaded or something, and caused the other plants to shut down.
"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters that the chaos was related to a malfunction at Canada’s Niagara Mohawk power grid, which rippled across the enormous Eastern Interconnected System power grid, which supplies about a third of the United States. Deborah Drew, a spokeswoman for the USA National Grid Co., which operates the system, told NBC News that no explanation had yet been found."
Dan Rather is confused. And he looks funny when he's confused :biggrin2:
Anyway, CBS has been doing their special report stuffs. At least I presume they still are, local news cut in.

I heard before local news cut in however that parts of Ohio, mainly Cleaveland and surrounding suburbs are near a water emergency, with only 2 hrs left of water in the mains. Since the power's out, they can't pump the water.

Hospitals are all running on back-up, and none are reporting any emergencies.

Parts of NYC are beginning to get power back.
Yeah the power outtage here sucked. It went out for like 5 minutes, then back on for half an hour and went out till like now here in Jersey. Not sure whats going on in NYC but Port Authority and the Subways were outta service so my mom had to wait for hours to get on a ferry back to Jersey.

Being amish for a while was weird, I realized how dependent I am on my computer, TV, etc, :surprised then I started to read a book I never finished, HyperSpace by Michio Kaku, good book!
Quebec is gonna sell some power till the grid is all up and running. This should be helpful...

Till then, go out and have fun !!! :cool:
Originally posted by Ricky
Quebec is gonna sell some power till the grid is all up and running. This should be helpful...
But they'll still raise the prices as predicted, even if they'll make quiet a profit from those sales and could live without a price increase.
Originally posted by Ricky
Quebec is gonna sell some power till the grid is all up and running. This should be helpful...

Till then, go out and have fun !!! :cool:
Maybe they can use the earnings to pay back their national debt, instead of leaving it for the rest of Canada. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jmiller
Maybe they can use the earnings to pay back their national debt, instead of leaving it for the rest of Canada. :rolleyes:
Ooooo, do I feel some anti-quebec spirit :biggrin2: lol
Originally posted by Wojtek
Ooooo, do I feel some anti-quebec spirit :biggrin2: lol
Not exactly.
I just don't like the fact that some of Quebec would like to seperate from Canada, yet at the same time leave their debt behind.
That and recently I had a bad run in with a large group of Francaphones from a Catholic church next door.
But I won't get into that here, pm if you want the story.

Er sorry for getting off-topic.
The Niagara Mohawk power-grid is a large power grid involving individual smaller grids of various cities, states and provinces. It's rumored that a power plant that powered one of the cities was forced to shut down, therefore had to resort in getting electricity from a nearby city/smaller grid, but that city/smaller grid couldn't handle the extra load and demand. So inturn, you got a domino effect happening on all interconnected power grids.

Quebec would have been on the same Niagara Mohawk power grid however, since the Icestorm '97, Quebec had it's own grid seperate from the Niagara Mohawk. That's why we're not affected.

It's unlikely that it was an act of terrorism, probably just a small flaw in something that caused everything to go fubar.
George has got his knickers in a twist... 9 nukes are offline :rolleyes:

be a shitty deal to be stuck on the subway right now.

at least when my power goes out (often) all I have to worry about is where i put the candles, and what I'm going to barbecue for dinner.

mmmmmm. barbecue.
Strange why everyone is making a big fuss about this blackout, when nobody seemed to care that Iraqis had no electricity and water for months. :rolleyes:
My power was off from about 4 to sometime early this morning, while a 5 min drive from my house was of from 4 to about 7 last night. Lucky them :D