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Mayo or Salad Dressing....?

If I want mayonaisse, I make my own. I have yet to find a commercial one that comes close to the tang of my home made one. If I want salad dressing I will buy French or Italian dressing. But they tend to make sandwiches soggy :p
Mayo, salad dressing, mustard, ketchup... whatever.

Ditch all that ----, it's useless.

If you're making a sandwich, hot sauce is the only way to go.

If it doesn't have Habanero peppers in it, get the hell outta here.
Wojtek said:
miracle whip is ONLY good with chicken burgers. try to eat anything else with it and it tastes so unnatural. not good.
Thats true..
I don't have mayo on my sandwidhes, never a one. Especially if it is from a place like Atlanta Bread Company on their delicious sourdough bread.