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I wanted to use their DNS service, as they advertise offering CNAME service, registered with them, but then could not find where to enter the CNAME info.
Yes they do.. It's a little hard to find but on your main domain menu look over to the 3rd section where it says "switch to MyDNS". Click on that and then open up that control page by clicking on your domain name. That should take you to the area to create and start the cnames.
I see.. I was a bit confused because there is only a section "hostnames" on that page...
Guess they mix A records, CNAMEs...
They dont make a difference. You can point anything to everywhere in the hostnames section. There is no separate section for A records and CNAMEs f.ex.
Not very professional if you ask me, but hey its free.
But then again, i just made a name server test and guess what:
"Error: unreachable"