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Need File Host 1GB File Size


Active Member
I have been using Gigasize but there upload speed is too slow I might get a premium account
Also been using Clickapic a little but now it looks like there no more gone for good

Looking for a new file host here is what I am looking for
1gb max file size
90 days without downloads
Free account with file manager
Allows adult files
Good download upload speeds for free accounts
If you want speed, get Megaupload Premium. You wont find a "good", "fast" file host that wont delete your files after 90 days, if you're hosting files of 1GB.
Hello. I may be able to easily help you after this weekend. I have an account with SimpleCDN, the massive content delivery network made especially for serving files. I use it to help a few friends who'd otherwise couldn't afford all the bandwidth and whatnot that they use.

If you need help, I can give you as much space/bandwidth as you need for any kind of files of any size. You would be able to upload to an area that's only yours and then directly link to the files. The files would automatically be load-balanced and localized across several servers between the US and Europe (meaning when someone downloads the file, they'll automatically download it from the location closest to them) and the transfer speeds are usually incredibly fast.

For now, I can do this for free, but if bandwidth starts to really get out of hand (meaning in the high 100s of GB or TB), then we'll have to figure out some sort of small monthly fee. Space isn't an issue as well unless you get into the high 10s or 100s of GB. And the reason I said this weekend is because SimpleCDN is rolling out new features that wont be available until next week which will greatly improve some features, so it's best to wait until then.

Please just let me know if you're interested and we'll get things setup. Thanks. :)
Yea, not quite the same as the good old days, but at least I can still help and have a great CDN to do it with. :)