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managed wordpress hosting

!Need Host

Looking for a host that meets my conditions/needs.What I am looking for is listed below:

-Over 50GB Bandwidth!!
-Around 200-500mb space.The more the better.
-Mysql ( more than 1 database )
-Telnet ( Not needed but would like to have )
-Domain Support
-Around $15-$20 a month.Lower the better like always.

Thats basically all I need.If anyone has or knows of a plan like this please post here or PM me.Thank you for your time.
Originally posted by îMp£rîÄL
Looking for a host that meets my conditions/needs.What I am looking for is listed below:

-Over 50GB Bandwidth!!
-Around 200-500mb space.The more the better.
-Mysql ( more than 1 database )
-Telnet ( Not needed but would like to have )
-Domain Support
-Around $15-$20 a month.Lower the better like always.

Thats basically all I need.If anyone has or knows of a plan like this please post here or PM me.Thank you for your time.

Your kidding right? :confused:

60gig of transfer
400MB storage
mysql (5 databases)
domain support

and much more..

we do not give out telnet access

We do not oversell our network. Right now we can serve over 32 terabyte (32 000GB) per month.

price: $22.95 a month.
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Originally posted by Max
We do not oversell our network. Right now we can serve over 32 terabyte (32 000GB) per month.

How many 60 GB sites do you put on a single server?
About 5% of our customers have a 60GB account. Most of them get the 20GB plan.

We go by cpu usage. We stop populating servers if the load average goes over 1.00.

We use Dell PowerEdge servers. With Intel gigabit server nics.

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You guys have to keep in mind: Of the people who order, how many actually use all of the 20GB, much less to say 60GB?
Most hosts don't allow porn sites for that reason(they say its because of legal issues, but not really)