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I really like Stardevelop Live Chat. They offer excellent support and there's a mobile app for iPhone and Android, so you can chat while away from the PC.
Yes, I highly recommend as the best live chat software for website. It lets our operators live chat with website visitors, monitor site traffic, and analyze visitors' web activities, including their search engine and keyword usage.
I have an advice for you when you are going to get live chat software and check server side services. Well, we are using WG live chat software, it’s good.
Most paid solutions I've tried have been excellent. Even corporate accounts rarely cost more than $30 with paid providers, so they're fairly cost effective.
I agree with imgad. Paid live chat software gives you lots of features benefits which is really required for successful business. Live chat software not only for customer chat, but also Its analytic tool is helpful in research of customer behavior, page performance, business performance.
Live2Support is assembled with features which help you to enhance your business.