No Bill here, but a byte of his loose change would came handy
That code is the most basic thingh you can have to stream video, but it works.
and high end sugestions is somethingh like this; (have a 4M line ready for instant playback of an 720p HD streamble format...if the shared connection isn´t loaded... but it has always worked)
Serving video doesn´t seem to me high end sugestions.
re-encode is fine, cuting it to pieces works too, but 200 M of video ain´t very
explanatory, what format was he talking about anyway?. It could be raw avi.
he must google for streameble formats I guess, and that window will work. (for wmv aka old asf) and then google for those convert everythingh to everythingh with a click. (some reading of aspect ratio should be done too)
if he want´s 1 click play button, it will implie having the final re-encoded video
stored in his site, with an asf/wmx standard file in the same site (or other) so
that the current WMplayer on the client side will open and starts playing it.
That is certanly the easyest best working "professional" looking result.
asf code is 5 lines long, if he is reading this anyway! :lol: if you´re reading just copy/paste this to a note pad an save it as wmx (so not to conflict with pc´s having winamp also, or it will ask to save the file only.)
<ASX Version = "3.0">
then just point/make a link from a nice playing botton to this file and your
video, if encoded in wmv, even if sliced to 12 or 15 frames/s will open the
wonderfull "universal" windows media player" or what ever player you/the client makes the OS open it. Almost all work. I love VLC, but...
windows make it open. Imediatly (5 seconds bufering by default)
make sure you add the mime types wmx and wmv to the control panel of your site. Some just don´t allow it. Get a free one here, they are all good.
when inserting mime types just write video/streaming and add the extension wmx. for video write video/Mplayer and add extension wmv.
Forget those ISO 9001 crap. it will work just as well.
you can stream H.264 (or those x.264 files also, but be carefull they´re not HD!) but only VLC streams it at the moment. get a x264 encoder/H.264,
if you´re really serious in to stream your movie. (to VLC clients)
The process is the same as above. nothingh changes exept it will be H.264/x.264 format, wich by the way beats the hell out of microsoft for the moment.
If we don´t consider high-bit rates with the new VC-1 codecs from Bill.:lol: