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managed wordpress hosting

Php v4.1, wavs, anything


Mile High Club
I guess these have gone the way of the doe doe bird. I've resigned to accepting an ad but it has to be in english. :rolleyes:

t35 signup is temp down, having trubbs with acnova, and tripod.co.uk is in the safe mode which makes it pretty useless for me.

Anyone know about:

business (experimental)
ad/no ad...doesn't matter (no porn, has to be in english)
ftp preferred but will take browser upload
small size 5-25mb
1gb transfer

I've tried 3 searches...Maybe you guys know of one or two.

Thanks :classic2:
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Umm...No thanks:rolleyes:


You must already have a website published on the web so that our staff can determine whether your site will fit in with the NeoPages.net network. To join NeoPages.net, register in our forums and create a post in our "Applications" message board with a URL of your existing site, a short description of what you'll use the site for, and an explanation as to why you want to be hosted. Based on the feedback from the existing community as well as the moderator, you will either be accepted and rejected.

Why would I want a neopages site if I already have a host? :confused2

Does Spaceports or Claws allow wavs?

Any more out there?
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Well, if you ask nicely I think any of the hosts in my signature might offer wav hosting. MadSims has popups, which is annoying, F2O isn't accepting new users I don't think but ACNova is but I haven't been there long and don't know what their policy is on requests, or if they allow WAVs from the start...
reasons: slow, lack of ads, goes down a lot, etc.

your loss.

Originally posted by zoobie
Umm...No thanks:rolleyes:


You must already have a website published on the web so that our staff can determine whether your site will fit in with the NeoPages.net network. To join NeoPages.net, register in our forums and create a post in our "Applications" message board with a URL of your existing site, a short description of what you'll use the site for, and an explanation as to why you want to be hosted. Based on the feedback from the existing community as well as the moderator, you will either be accepted and rejected.

Why would I want a neopages site if I already have a host? :confused2

Does Spaceports or Claws allow wavs?

Any more out there?