I'm very very tired and falling asleep, so I'll post something I wrote earlier and answer any questions you might have ....
Anyone who knows php should check out http://winbinder.org also
While I say it's beta it's good enough to pack itself and that's when I released the last code I had so ...... have fun.......
Lastly, dont waste words if you have a question make sure I didn't answer somewhere already by reading everything that is readable before asking me.....
@mods can you move this post to Ads & Offers I posted it in wrong place and wanna sleep, please delete this line of nonsense too......
phpCompile v2 Beta 4.0.2 :: PHP Version : 5.2.1
Written by Joe Watkins - krakjoe.com
Thanks to Rubem Pechansky - winbinder.org
Arguments Required :
-main|m Main script for project
Optional Arguments :
-project|p Project sources
-include|I Pack extra includes from directory
-add|a Add file to exe
-output|o default : $main.exe ( without .php )
-ext|e Add ext to executable
-bcompile|b Files matching this pattern will be bcompiled
-ico Icon for executable
-ignore|i Ignore files matching pattern
-w Use windows subsystem
-c Use console subsystem
-subsystem console|windows, default : console
Information Arguments :
-iv Print phpCompile version
-ie Print PHP version
-ic Dump constants to stdin
-if Dump functions to stdin
-io Dump classes to stdin
Integration Arguments :
@serial Takes a base64_encode()'d array
~C:\inifile Takes location of ini file
Anyone who knows php should check out http://winbinder.org also
While I say it's beta it's good enough to pack itself and that's when I released the last code I had so ...... have fun.......
Lastly, dont waste words if you have a question make sure I didn't answer somewhere already by reading everything that is readable before asking me.....
@mods can you move this post to Ads & Offers I posted it in wrong place and wanna sleep, please delete this line of nonsense too......
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