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Post your desktop

I've seen him live once... here in LA... Nokia theater. He's cool. :) I've also run into him at clubs here in LA.

I actually have 10 or 11 different wallpapersw.. some Lady Gaga ones too... I have them change on 1 minute intervals on windows 7. I like that feature.
Desktop is being fixed, so using the laptop more now.

@Dynash, THANKS!!! :D

@AboutWeb, i cant imagine any computer running XP to score to high on the performance level ;)
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It's nice to have it change colour every so often (if you change your background on a timer especially). I just changed the colour of the original and set the path to directory, and pick random image every X seconds. Only thing I don't like about this thing is fullscreen apps still show it because its on-top.


http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm264/javakrypt/d1b80654.png (max images)
i noticed it actually is treated as a window though. so, if you have expose setup to hide windows and show the desktop, it moves it off the menu. :( i tried using themepark and it didnt do anything, so, i must have done it wrong. :S oh well
It does get treated like a window, but it doesn't show as one in expose, so its not all bad. It is just a program laying a window over everything.
Very nice desktop!
i want to change my desktop background with a beautiful picture,
but i don't know how to do, can you tell me?