The Crasher
New Member
hi all
can some1 revieuw my website and says what need to be added ??
it is a status checker for private games and i am out of idea's of what i could add
the site get used to show mysql/autopatch/gameserver status and it checks it every pagevieuw
i got a few things added like comments that can be added
so now i was wondering what others like of it or what they like to have changed
Greetings From PowerChaos
can some1 revieuw my website and says what need to be added ??
it is a status checker for private games and i am out of idea's of what i could add
the site get used to show mysql/autopatch/gameserver status and it checks it every pagevieuw
i got a few things added like comments that can be added
so now i was wondering what others like of it or what they like to have changed
Greetings From PowerChaos