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managed wordpress hosting

PrimeGalactic Success Broken

I don't get it. You didn't save a copy locally? How do you even upload a website without having a copy stored locally?

Perhaps what he mean, is the database.
A lot people didn't do their database backup, which I consider that as something very dangerous.
Yes I have the stored copy but I had done many changes after uploading it into the database... So Ill have to all that again... :(
I know! I was gonna take the back up! And I was just trying to make a web site so used Prime Galactic for free hosting... I know that my company's servers are way better but I am just a representative and I cannot afford a paid hosting right now...

Anyways @ihav2names will I be able to get my website back by any chance? If not then tell me I have back up of half completed work... Ill start to work on it again if I wont get the site back...

Hostgator staff didn't get any discount for purchasing the hosting services?
Derek Flahost said:
Hostgator staff didn't get any discount for purchasing the hosting services?

What a way to run a business.

CS Squad said:
Perhaps what he mean, is the database.
A lot people didn't do their database backup, which I consider that as something very dangerous.

Ahh yeah. Didn't even consider that. Dangerous indeed. You should always at least have your site locally and backup the database daily if it's a busy site with lots of changes.
Wasn't blaming your company for you not making a backup. Was blaming your company for not giving some kind of employee discount. :)
Those 25% discount coupons are all around the Internet.
I think most people prefer to get those free first month kind of coupon.

Currently we are offering just 20% discount on first invoice... So it is going to increase to 25%... And in India the cost of bandwidth is very high so it is quite good actually...
thanks for the feedback, & I apologize for all the happen the last few days to all the users whom where using PG for hosting websites.

At this moment I'm doing some research and asking questions in all webhosts I find across the interwebs and here at FWS before I buy or rent. Im looking for a powerful webhost that will support PrimeGalactic at all areas. if for any chance I don't find a webhost I will built a datacenter that can undertake anything tho I know its expensive but I'll start small not at home but I'm willing to rent a office building for a great start. I know it sounds like a dream or something but it does not look expensive in my view ;).

Hijacking xD really LOL o well do as they please, just stay out of my way.
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Renting an office isn't that expensive at all, but what good does it do you without a server somewhere? The only thing you'll be able to get in an office building is DSL, or business class cable, or a T1 or such. You aren't going to have nearly the connectivity you would in an actual datacenter.