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can we ask for hosting for our sites here?

I need:

No pop ups or gator install attempts to visitors, banner ad ok
2gb transfer
music mp3 file hosting (optional but wanted)

I had 50,000 visitors last year and netfirms shut me down so google pulled my page rank, if I get hosted im sure it will go back up.

site in question: http://www.studiotechno.com

zip the files and uplaod it.I don't think they will download every zip file and check that there is mp3 inside :)
Most hosts (free and paid) will not allow MP3s and faraz, you really think the hosts that survive don't have a means to check inside zip files? They can even detect warez inside 20KB .jpgs..you might fool the wannabe hosts that you kill, but you won't fool the long time hosts, they have seen every trick in the book. :devious2:
Originally posted by Jan
Most hosts (free and paid) will not allow MP3s and faraz, you really think the hosts that survive don't have a means to check inside zip files? They can even detect warez inside 20KB .jpgs..you might fool the wannabe hosts that you kill, but you won't fool the long time hosts, they have seen every trick in the book. :devious2:
Sorry Jan.I really don't know anything about web hosting security features as i am just new to the web world.

Not illegal, I created every bit of my music in a sampling keyboard, and I only sample my voice, kitchen utensils plings, resample drums with effects, but never other artists works. The instruments I use are from CDs sold for use with my keyboard (ensoniq asr-10) that come with a disclaimer that a person may copywrite finished materials when using said instruments. I have sent the songs that I have on the net to the library of congress and post my reg copywrite number at the bottom of my site.
I really reconmend you to go to paid hosting.Not alot of free hosts can handle .mp3 and 2 gigs of transfer