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[Request] PHP5 mail() fopen() requiered

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New Member
Hi, here is my request:
  • PHP5
  • Fast
  • Parking my domain(1 enough)
  • Space : 20Mb
  • Bd: 5Gb
  • FTP
  • No ads
  • .htaccess
  • PHP mail()
  • PHP fopen()
For what exactly ?... more details please...

Site language ? Website content ? Purpose of the hosting ?

Kind regards,

Site language: English
Website content: PHP scripts (6 pages ~30 files)
Purpose: Providing information about P2P (not illeagal at all).

I really need this, my scripts area lomost ready, thank you.
What information about p2p ??

There's very little to do with p2p networks that is not in some way illegal ....
why do you need mail on so urgently?
It's for feedbacks, "ContectMe" and "Advertisment requests"
What information about p2p ??

There's very little to do with p2p networks that is not in some way illegal ....
Yes, I agree with you, but what I'm providing is some kind of statistics about giving torrent and
ED2K network, but there will not be no links no hosting no encouragement.

EDIT: I do not need a database
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Firstly, such a site will require far more resources than it is fair to ask a free host to provide you with.

Secondly, and most importantly, if publishing the statistics of peer to peer networks isn't encouragement then I'm the king of england .....

Your idea is the wrong side of legal, the urban myth that you can only be prosecuted for having direct links to illegal files is exactly that an urban myth, you will be infact aiding and abetting ( not to mention mining statistical data on ) the activities of criminals, which is infact illegal, in more ways than one.
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