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Seeking Generous Reseller Account


New Member
I am seeking a generous reseller account, of course with
all the bells and whitles..

I currently have a resller account, and have asked many
times for my hosting to be private label reselling, but
everytime i use a tool to check, damn if my hosting
providers IP, nameservers, this is the info I do not want
to show, otherwise, why would it be called private namesever?

I will need cPanel/WHM, and user hosting signup, I use
clientexe right now, but prefer it come with the account,
not a 3rd party script, if not, then I will need help, re
installing clientexe to my new host.

of course, admin/user support needs to be available,
along with a decent staff willing to help out by email support.

a user only asks to be treated fair and honestly, if
you cant, youwill only end up losing the user in the end,
and no one really wins.
Its really kind of hard to give you a price if we don't have any idea to what you may be looking for. Perhaps a rough estimate?
Since your pm is broken:

Here is how we can do this, go to www.webhostingmasters.com/resellerbuy.html
Purchase the large business plan for $24.99/month. I will then update the space to 25gb and the bandwidth to 350gb. We will do this so your subscription is exactly $24.99/month
*Edit: Do not enter any promotion code or else this will not work.
I Can Offer That And These Are A list of my prices Bellow

Cost ControlPanel Email Mysql Space Bandwith
Reseller 1 $10.00 Cpanel Unlimited Unlimited 5,120Mb 81,920Mb
Reseller 2 $25.00 Cpanel Unlimited Unlimited 20,480Mb 122,880Mb
Reseller 3 $35.00 Cpanel Unlimited Unlimited 30,720Mb 133,120Mb
Reseller 4 $40.00 Cpanel Unlimited Unlimited 35,840Mb 148,240Mb
Reseller 5 $45.00 Cpanel Unlimited Unlimited 40,960Mb 179,200Mb

We at webhosting UK would like to offer you,

Unix Copper: 1GB Space/20 GB Bandwidth for £9.99 per month
Unix Silver: 3GB Space/50 GB Bandwidth for £19.99 per month
Unix Gold: 7GB Space/100 GB Bandwidth for £29.99 per month

Unlimited Domains/Unlimited Subdomains/Unlimited Parked Domains/Unlimited Addon Domains/Unlimited MYSQL Databases and much more.
(No free or trial accounts but 30 day money back offer)

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.


Hostbig.net could offer you this plan with private nameservers:

20GB Space
200GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Unlimited MySQL Databases
cPanel 10 + Fantastico De Luxe

For $29.95/per month
gotlinks i think you should tell us how much space do you need and how much bw ! please feel free to add me on msn and/or email us on
sales (at) nightshells.net to work out a deal for you with your own ips :)

Please note, if you need stability dont go with the cheapest host offering. go with the moderate one

Thanks for understanding.
Check out ShellCentral.net Reseller accounts:

Package »
Domains Quota Xfer Price Order
Beginner Reseller » Unlimited 3GB 30GB $11.00
Basic Reseller » Unlimited 4GB 60GB $16.00
Standard Reseller » Unlimited 5GB 100GB $20.00
Advanced Reseller » Unlimited 8GB 200GB $30.00
Deluxe Reseller » Unlimited 12GB 250GB $40.00


Click here to check us out