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Sept 11 conspiracy reflections


Well-Known Member
Over the years a number of seemingly intelligent conspiracies have been brought to light over the terrorist incident surrounding the September 11 attacks of 2001 in New York, but as someone who remained sceptical I've realized these theories do not stand up scientifically.

I suppose the simplicity test is the first test one must consider. For instance, the Pentagon - simplicity. The "missile theory" is an example of a very bad argument which would never pass this test. Because radar data corroborates the plane's crash (and also so does the ground-zero damage) it would be far more complicated for the terrorists to detonate a missile than crash a plane (while hiding the original plane, etc).

The same test can be applied to the "controlled demolition" theory of the twin towers. That is, if an overly-complicated and elaborate plane existed to demolish the buildings using explosive charges placed in the buildings themselves; then it would be unnecessarily complicated to additionally crash planes into the building. You would do one or the other, but not both.

7WTC was the other building to collapse on the day, and does look un-mistakenly like a typical controlled demolition. However, taken into context it doesn't pass the test either: there is no advantage for the terrorists in destroying an already evacuated and empty building; they would have collapsed it earlier if they used controlled demolition in order to inflict maximum casualties. There was no guarantee the building would sustain the damage that it did. And most obviously: why go to the trouble of planting explosive charges as well as crashing hijacked planes?

So in conclusion - while there are legitimate questions to be asked over this incident - there is no physical scientific evidence that anything beyond a terrorist attack brought down the WTC buildings (and inflicted damage to other WTC buildings), or that anything other than a plane hit the pentagon.
But why suddenly post about it 7 years later? We already ruled those conspiracy theories out years ago.
Have you seen the south park episode, about the conspiracy? everyone knows except for us....

(Season 10 I guess)
The theories don't stand up because you're still considering it a terrorist attack.

I don't really believe either way, mostly because I don't care, but when you consider that the government might have had more to do with it than terrorists, the theories start making sense.

Watch "Loose Change" if you're still interested. I think they have a couple versions, check their website and google videos for the latest one.

edit: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3719259008768610598
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Ive seen the loose change videos and I for one do not know where to stand on the subject. There are just to many unanswerd questions
This is one way they get media attention. Look at when this has happened, many years ago now. Any think else would have gone quiet.

Personally any one who brings it up as a conspiracy, don't give a dam about the people who died that day.
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This is one way they get media attention. Look at when this has happened, many years ago now. Any think else would have gone quiet.

Personally any one who brings it up as a conspiracy, don't give a dam about the people who died that day.

Either that or they care so much about those people that died that they want to know what actually happened. When they see problems with the government's report of what happened, they ask questions instead of shrugging like normal lazy Americans. If you watch the videos you'll be left with unanswered questions.... and nobody can answer those questions except for the government, but they haven't released more data to answer the questions. Theres no need for media attention anymore, it was 7 years ago.
Either that or they care so much about those people that died that they want to know what actually happened. When they see problems with the government's report of what happened, they ask questions instead of shrugging like normal lazy Americans. If you watch the videos you'll be left with unanswered questions.... and nobody can answer those questions except for the government, but they haven't released more data to answer the questions. Theres no need for media attention anymore, it was 7 years ago.
You say it as if you're 100% sure the government was the root cause of it. The only people who know truely 100% are the ones who did it.
You say it as if you're 100% sure the government was the root cause of it. The only people who know truely 100% are the ones who did it.

No, I'm not 100% sure of anything. I'd say based on what I've seen, theres a good chance that the government was involved. But to say that people that question what happened are just not sympathetic to those that died is a completely false statement. That's like saying that people that question the US government are unpatriotic, when in fact, questioning the government at every step is the only way our country was formed, and is the only way we can ensure that the country will be on the right path.
Either that or they care so much about those people that died that they want to know what actually happened. When they see problems with the government's report of what happened, they ask questions instead of shrugging like normal lazy Americans. If you watch the videos you'll be left with unanswered questions.... and nobody can answer those questions except for the government, but they haven't released more data to answer the questions. Theres no need for media attention anymore, it was 7 years ago.

I think the people who died should be lift in peace. I am sure they would not want there loved ones putting there life on hold. especially at the exspence of the government. People have just got to relies the government always lies and it never change.

I personally lost some one I loved very much in the 9/11 and I know for a fact he would not want me to try and find out what really happend because we will never really know the motives or plot behind it.
Well if we aren't going to even investigate the whole thing, and keep our eyes dead set on terrorists, we might as well just stop fighting the war, and stop looking for terrorists. When something that bad happens, you don't think we should investigate all aspects to make sure we know exactly what happened and why?
The theories don't stand up because you're still considering it a terrorist attack.
Yeah, because the USA Government would attacks its own landmarks.
Watch "Loose Change" if you're still interested. I think they have a couple versions, check their website and google videos for the latest one.
I've seen loose change, and almost all their facts are either wrong or misrepresented. They made the "missile argument" for the pentagon, one of the most ludicrous arguments to have ever been made about the event.
When they see problems with the government's report of what happened, they ask questions instead of shrugging like normal lazy Americans. If you watch the videos you'll be left with unanswered questions.... and nobody can answer those questions except for the government, but they haven't released more data to answer the questions. Theres no need for media attention anymore, it was 7 years ago.
What questions? Ask them here and I'll answer them for you.
Well if we aren't going to even investigate the whole thing, and keep our eyes dead set on terrorists, we might as well just stop fighting the war, and stop looking for terrorists. When something that bad happens, you don't think we should investigate all aspects to make sure we know exactly what happened and why?

Sorry mate nope, I think they should all be left to RIP.

There is no point in trying to find out what happened and why for the simple fact the government says it happened for this reason there not going to change there story just because the public say so.
Sorry mate nope, I think they should all be left to RIP.

There is no point in trying to find out what happened and why for the simple fact the government says it happened for this reason there not going to change there story just because the public say so.
You are saying two things: You don't agree with the official line of events; but you don't want to question the official line of events.

What I'm saying is simple - the "unofficial line of events" cannot be scientifically corroborated. It's based on hearsay evidence, and other poorly-researched theories. I'm not trying to attack the character of anyone who agrees or disagrees with the version of events.
You are saying two things: You don't agree with the official line of events; but you don't want to question the official line of events.

What I'm saying is simple - the "unofficial line of events" cannot be scientifically corroborated. It's based on hearsay evidence, and other poorly-researched theories. I'm not trying to attack the character of anyone who agrees or disagrees with the version of events.

I nether agree or disagree with events. I just be leave it should be put to bed.

We have people starving, homeless, dieing and needing support.

What is done is done we can't change the past just try to make a better future for us and our children.

Learn by are mistakes and try not to repeat them.
Jan said:
People keep coming up with new ones
Pish Posh! I see a sign in some places around one of the cities, it says

"9-11 was an inside job!
Legalize Marijuana"
I always think to myself, wtf does legalizing marijuana have to do with 9-11 :lol:

Me thinks they were high whilst writing the sign.