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Right now (9:15pm) it's 86F/30C, with a heat index ("feels like") of 95/35. Thankfully, we got a second window air conditioning unit, which is keeping the house at a relatively comfortable ~85/29.
Tomorrow it's supposed to get up around 94/34, but Thursday it's going to cool down again... 83/28.
It was 36 and felt like 48 here, that's way to intense for me. Can't enjoy it without passing out after about two hours. Really humid, but that was when I'm outside, in my nice air conditioned home, nice and cold. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the beach on a nice day, but 48 degree's? come on people!
Nothing wrong with that! You can have the heat if you want it. It's actually fairly pleasant outside at night right now although I'm heading out to Southern California for the weekend tomorrow. Supposed to be in the 70's and 80's there! :beer: