Originally posted by the elf
Seems you missed the "(Moderated by: Chicken, Jan, Mandrake, Peo, Todd)" at the top of the index of this forum. Do you see Webdude?? I don't! Then he's not a mod here (on this forum anyway

). Next time read the whole page.
Ahh... I see... his custom title has fooled me. Bad webdude ... bad ...

My apology to webdude, but still ... I think host should not comment on other hosts (been trying to do the same, although it's hard I know

Second, I bet a good chunk of RS's profits comes from Cogent and Verio if they are priced the same. How long do you think these providers will be around for?? My guess would be not that long.
At 100Mbps, Cogent is around $30/mbps and Verio is about 3 times that (I have heard somebody quote $90/mbps for Verio at 100mbps). But when you buy a GigE, then you have a great negotiation power on the bandwith price, no matter which provider you choose. Level3 is another great bandwith provider, and I have heard people can get around $160mbps only at 10Mbps commitment.
Will RS be able to provide the same service for the same amount if the cheap backbones die??
What is cheap backbone? Verio is not really cheap when you only buy 5 Mbps. And almost all providers (even tier one providers) will become very cheap when you buy GigE. So, again, what's cheap backbone? I consider Level3 at $160/mbps at 10Mbps commitment very cheap already.
No. Less and less people will buy buying dedicated servers if they have to pay more i.e. less and less dickwad hosts will be around.
Even if Rackshack increases its price by 10-20%, most people will stay with them. Where else can you get 400GB of transfer (and a server) for around $150/mo? You will be able to see this offer at other places who use cogent primairly. But, again, RS does not use cogent primarily.
Oh BTW, in case you don't know, VERIO is a tier one provider (unlike cogent). Although their price can be cheap, their network is in no way comparable to Cogent (which is not a tier one).
I don't think his comments were baseless, all he's doing is saying the truth. Seems your too blind to see the truth.
When somebody says that RS is using cogent primarily, that comment is indeed baseless. I spend 1 minute on RS network page to calculate how much of rackshack bandwith is cogent and it turns out only around 20%. 20% does not seem to be primarily cogent for me, does it?
As far as network is concerned, I think Internap is the best and I am with the best

And ... I pay a lot more than cogent bandwith, but what I am paying is indeed a quality bandwith. But that's different story
Anyway, I am not with rackshack. I just can't stand it when people make a baseless comment
My apology for dragging the thread to go OOT.