New Member
Thanks for reading this topic! I've started a web design and webmaster resource community and am look for trust worth people to help me run it. at my site we'll feature resources ranging from webmaster tutorials to photoshop brush packs, renders, Sig's etc.
I need people experienced with either design applications such as Adobe photoshop , Fireworks, Flash, GIMP, etc and people experienced with running a website (thus webmasters).
I'm taking this very seriously and I'll make my community extremely active and full of resources to bring in more and more members. If you would enjoy helping me create a great large and active community and have some free time on you hands i would appreciate you contact me.
Contact me via PM or Email though i would prefer emails.
Here's my email address: Webmaster*@* (please remove the *)
Visit my new Webmaster/ Web design resource site here:
Thanks for reading this topic! I've started a web design and webmaster resource community and am look for trust worth people to help me run it. at my site we'll feature resources ranging from webmaster tutorials to photoshop brush packs, renders, Sig's etc.
I need people experienced with either design applications such as Adobe photoshop , Fireworks, Flash, GIMP, etc and people experienced with running a website (thus webmasters).
I'm taking this very seriously and I'll make my community extremely active and full of resources to bring in more and more members. If you would enjoy helping me create a great large and active community and have some free time on you hands i would appreciate you contact me.
Contact me via PM or Email though i would prefer emails.
Here's my email address: Webmaster*@* (please remove the *)
Visit my new Webmaster/ Web design resource site here: