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I don't know weather to be a bit upset with how small Modern Warfare 2 was, even though it was enormous in size. It was okay, not a bad game. But not spectacular either.
Come on, this thread is short. I have posted in a thread (well, it's 10 parts to ease server load) with 2k posts each part plus 11k in part 1. (29k if you cant count) Also, It has some sort of topic, not to just waste database space. (But it sure is stuffing the attachment sever full)
all you need is a simple form submission that is stored in the db with an enum value as "0","1". 0 being not approved, 1 being approved. make a small but secure backend to approve the posting or deny them. if denied, delete from DB, or if approved, then show on the site. pretty simple man. ill make you one for $150.