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Which free forum is most alike vBulletin? I like the look and function of this one. Don't need as many features, profiles aso. Easy installation is a plus.
Thank you!
Yeah, sure looked nice and clean. Except the *ugly* smilies, but I guess they can be changed. Do you know if it works OK? Lots of bug talk there. I'm not used to PHP so I need something that's easy to handle.
Thank you.
Thanks. They seem to have active support. I'll sure need that. Never seen a mySQL data base in my life. I'll download both and see what the files look like.
Most forums will set up the database for you. It's little more than uploading the files with the config set to the database (username, pass, database name). After that you just load the admin screen and fill in the boxes. I used to have boardpower up and running in under 10 minutes (used to be a free one). Some may need some extra tweaking, but it general they are pretty user friendly these days.