Ok, if it was $25/year then it would be a paid host with no banners...but since it is a one time setup....then it requires banners.
You see, almost every fwp offers something extra for a charge. In your thinking, that would mean they are paid hosts. Besides, Pro is an upgrade above Worldzone itself.
You guys can knock it all you want, I dont care. Negative advertising is better than none and as long as Ron and others sit here and knock it, more and more people will become interested in it....so keep on talking about it, good OR bad. No matter how bad you talk about it, it will only be promoting Pro and people will continue to go there and check it out. Thanks to our little discussion on the old board about it, I got tons of email from interested people, and still do (-:
Since so many fwp's fail because advertisors are so cheap, and the paid hosting market is so saturated and too competitive....something has to change, and Pro does that by meeting in the middle of both. So technically it's neither a paid host nor a free host. Regardless what YOU call it. So I sincerely hope there are a lot more 'Rons' and 'Flashtechnics' to do the free negative advertising for me like they did to AOL back then and helped them grow so much..hehe
Oh and by the way, you can say it wont work if you want. Lenny and others said my clickthru's would fall if I put banners at the bottom, well, the clickthru's went up and so the banners remain at the bottom. Just as Pro will succeed in the same manner..
[Edited by Webdude on 11-01-2000 at 02:19 PM]