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I don't think you understand. Please allow me to show you an example. Please configure your email client using Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook.

Your email: you@yourdomain.com
Incoming Server: mail.yourdomain.com
Outgoing Server: smtp.gmail.com
Check on Outgoing server requires authentication and fill your gmail email information (Ex: you@gmail.com. password xxxxx)
Apply SSL for Outgoing mail with port 465

Test to send an email to one of your own. Check email and see. Do you see From: you@yourdomain.com or you@gmail.com?
That would be gmail.com for sure as you are using it for out-going mail.
Why don't you use your domain for out going mail?
In this case want to use different outgoing mail server than incoming mail server. That's the reason I created this post. If you have any ideas of the possible way I can use different outgoing server than incoming server but showing you@yourdomain.com instead of outgoing email address.
I don't think so using Gmail, but I could be mistaken. Your best solution is going to be using the outgoing mail server where your site is hosted, assuming your host allows outgoing mails.
I want to use Gmail for outgoing server for MDaemon. As you might experience, MDaemon use a single email address as outgoing mail for all email in MDaemon.
I'm not sure what you're talking about but...

Gmail can be used to send email, just add your account per instruction so you can send and receive email.

I don't know if this aply to smtp though. You can try
I think you should to email configure in outlook on this setting Incoming email server pop.gmail.com and Outgoing email server smtp.gmail.com.
I think you should to email configure in outlook on this setting Incoming email server pop.gmail.com and Outgoing email server smtp.gmail.com.

You understand this thread is 2 years old, with the last reply being a year ago, right??????