Here is the offer from website:
1.0Ghz CPU (Guaranteed)
512MB RAM (Guaranteed)
20GB Disk Space
1TB Monthly Bandwidth
2 IP Addresses
OpenVZ With vePortal
Multiple Choices Of Linux OS
Price: $7/Month or $70/Year
Now if you want cPanel, thats additional $15x12 = $180 per year, so total is ($70 + $180) =
$250 per year.
Or if you want to go with directadmin, thats $10x12 = $120 per year, so total is ($70 + $120) =
$190 per year.
If you want to be smart, just go with kloxo, which is a free control panel, thus making your yearly total
only $70 per year!
You need to get used to kloxo, but once you do, its as just as good as any other control panel. I have a vps with kloxo and i have no trouble getting used to its looks and feel. It was the first vps i bought, so i went with kloxo. You only need cPanel when you want to start a professional webhosting business.
I am not supposed to tell you this, but if you want a even cheaper deal, there may be something cs-squad can do for you. Register as a client on their site and ask for the special. If you mention my name, i believe you may just find what you are looking for:
If you dont like it, you can always choose another