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webspace for zip downloads


New Member
i am searching for free webspace only to store zip files wich can be downloaded by a link from my original site.

can somenone help?? its really important, spaceports acutally killed my account with about 30 mb of files and they are all gone...


Hmmmm, I like warez!

He hee heeheee, warez is good 4 u!

Cops are bad.

Wait........ I have an idea! Use http://www.realftp.com!

I have my site and over 90 gigs of warez there, http://www.techbrink.com (which is warez free - until you signup to be a member)(SITE IN DEVELOPEMENT - READY LAST WK OF NOV.)

Log in as: guest/roblev
Password: freewebspace

Post your warez!

C ya!
Re: Hmmmm, I like warez!

Originally posted by roblev
He hee heeheee, warez is good 4 u!

Cops are bad.

Wait........ I have an idea! Use http://www.realftp.com!

I have my site and over 90 gigs of warez there, http://www.techbrink.com (which is warez free - until you signup to be a member)(SITE IN DEVELOPEMENT - READY LAST WK OF NOV.)

Log in as: guest/roblev
Password: freewebspace

Post your warez!

C ya!

You bad, bad person. Do the right thing and don't get PhotoShop from warez..... Do what I did, join photo jouranlism class and get a copy from school!

Re: host for zip

Originally posted by applemuffin
I recommend you Hosting Media
They do provide with space for zip, plus they are truthworthy and cheap. You may want to at least give a glance on their offers.

yo man stop spaming bout your service....we're taking bout a FREE web host...not a paid host...there's a section decated for that topic....
thx for the links

realftp.com seems to be down.

my zip´s contain security related files (like sub7 and bo2k, joiner and ip-scanners), no warez.

As I posted earlier on some other thread, it's gonna be hard to find a free host that will allow you to put up a file archive as it is very bandwidth consuming and doesn't bring in the return in banner advertisment.

Your best shot is one of those small ones if you can come to an agreement with the owner. In other cases, you may want to choose for an inexpensive pay host like tera-byte or nomontlyfees.