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managed wordpress hosting

Welcome to this new forum at FreeWebspace.net!


Staff member
As suggested by nitroboy we have today opened a new section on FreeWebspace.net where we discuss Site Promotion / Search Engine Optimisation.

This is what we will talk about:

- How do I get more visitors to my site?
- How does Google Page Rank work?
- Where should I buy advertising to promote my site?
... and many other similar topics.

(This is currently a subforum under Ad Revenue, but you can reach it directly from the main forum frontpage.)

If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know!
Only in America Peo :p

Optimisation everywhere else except for those who believe the Americans spell it right :biggrin2:
The correct spelling is optimization.

Seeing that this entire website is based off the American version of the English Language (check not cheque), it should be spelled correctly. :applaudin
Originally posted by nitroboy
actually I didn't spell it correct, I didn't mean to spell it as American English

I know. S and Z.. Q and K. But in the American version of the English Language it is spelled differently.. no S.