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long time ago that, sad to see it go. to cut a long story short, was a constant attack from hackers and after many attempts to stop it they finally want under for two reasons, one the isp that they were using didn't have any protect from DOS attacks so they charged them big time for the DOS attack and secondly the didn't have that kind of money to pay that. so that should explain it.
Thanks for the reply. I used their service when it first came out and was still free. They would even install particular modules for you and everything it was heaven. It was also fast before all the warez and so on arrived. But I lost track of them when they went paid.
Soon everybody that did not worship l33t was banned from messageboard.
All the kiddies seemed to think it was absurd to question where your money went.
#1-considering they said they more moving on to new 'fun exciting projects' they were 100% broke? --o---any financial books besides claims they never read their isp's tos?
I was in communication with their isp who told a totally different story.
Also the Attorney Generals Office Ontario forwarded me almost a book of information on owner/operator of I'm not in Canada so sue?
At the minimal another scam by owner/operator might just very well result in legal action by 'government'.
--and the kiddies think taking peoples money worldwide in only USA DOLLARS is just another fun project.
If anybody want the address/phone number of chief operator email me .