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Which Free Hosting To Choose ? Suggestions-Help?


New Member
Dear Freewebspace users!
I'd like to ask you about Free Hosting(I know nothing is for free). I am interested in creating my own page where I could review-comment or talk about my own experiences(bad/good) on few ptc(paid to click) sites -mainly aurora sites- that I have in mind and of course placing my own referral link for those I am involved and support.
On top of that I'd like to place banners from a site that pays to advertise banners on your own site and also placing on my site shrinking links(like the once that pay you to share your links services) and direct anyone whats to find out more useful info to other sites.
I am considering to send traffic to the site I am going to create using social networking and sites that advertise your site or sites that bring you traffic.
My problem is the "tricky" TOS(terms of service) where they prohibit advertising any pyramid scheme sites-companies, something they might consider as spam or anything they might think don't comply with the TOS.
So I am looking for a free-hosting web service which will allow me to advertise my preferable links without violating their TOS and being banned from or have my account suspended for some foolish reason. Of course I am interested in a host that can provide at least some minimal efficiency and service.
Thank you in advance.
ps: one last thing, I am not interested in creating my own blog to achieve the above.
I prefer <censored for a reason> and 5gbfree is best free web hosting service provider.
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Re: Which Free Hosting To Choose ?

Hi mkmo,

I am also new to this forum and I never used any free hosting before. I am planning to launch a new site and I don't want to host that in paid hosting. I am searching here and there what free hosting site will be best. Registered here to find out best free hosting. Guys looking for your replies. :wave:
Whatever you choose, I would recommend to check out their reviews first. Though free hosts have nothing to take from you, but you need to verify their services to save time and energy of hosting your new project online.
Whenever you decide to go for a free web hosting provider, make sure that provide access to backups in control panel and there are no ads on your site.
If you want to run a blog then free hosting is good but don't rely on it for your business website as it is not secure as well as reliable.
If you asked me! I would say don't go with free web hosting provider. However you can go with cheap hosting provider that will be affordable for you. You want to create an earning site so it would be the best to invest some money in your hosting plan.
Hi mate,

I would like to suggest to you that WHUK is providing the best hosting services around the world. They have servers in the UK, US, India. etc. They give you affordable hosting services for your website. They have the best technical team to give 24/7 support with 99.95 % Uptime.
I advise that you go with bodHOST since they offer the greatest prices and services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is also a good pricing for hosting.