This was posted at webhostingboard by Mike Denney.
Hello, has been compromised once again but this time the Credit Card details portion of their database was compromised and is now circling the internet as "WHT_XXXX_XXXXXXX_XX.rar". This file contains *thousands* of credit cards with complete details including Credit Card Number, CVV2 Number, Full Name, Bank Name, as well as some other details.
If you have *ever* entered your credit card information at WebHostingTalk be it for a Premium Membership or any other reason you need to contact your bank IMMEDIATELY and cancel the card and be issued a new one. I would also advise you to let your bank know what has happened so that if you need to fight some fraudulent charges your bank will know what is going on.
Keep in mind I am not trying to damage WHT any further by posting this, it seems that this information is being kept "hush hush" when those affected need to be notified so they can pro-actively protect themselves against fraud.
Please - direct anybody you know that may have used their Credit Card at to this thread and feel free to update this thread with pertinent *verifiable* information.
Thank you.