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Xoasis any good?


New Member
Just wondering what people think of xoasis.com. I host my domain with them and they have been OK so far, but now they claim a majority of their users want pop ups instead of foot banners and they will change it. Sounds strange to me. I also think it's odd that they don't have a forum or message board or anything, only a chat that I haven't been able to log into. Can't get an email addy either, only get an error message whenever I try. Anyone think they're good?
I too thought their Email was odd. I think the voting is bogus and they have already decided on pop-ups. Also, you could never communicate with them. Anyway, I moved my sites last week to a paid host. Don't have any great recommendations for a free domain host at this time. NetCabins is one place but they seem to be currently working through some growing pains.
y don't u guys host it at virtualave.net....i host my domainzero domain there and it works perfectly, and they actually HAVE real cgi unlike xoasis, and also u can put the banner where ever u want to.
Xoasis is becoming more and more scammy looking. First of all the CGI wasn't working and some let that go by. Now, we have pop-ups instead of footbanner because of some fake vote. (Who here actually told Zoasis that they wanted pop-ups?)
Ya, I have hosted my site at Xoasis to for awhile now and it has been good and reliable, except one thing; NO D*** SERVICE!!!!

I just wanted them to change my MX settings.

For "2 Months" I tried 12 different ways and times to get a response from them; NONE!!! All I got was 2 e-mails about Stupid Popups...

Ya, no Forum (s**k); no Support (s**k), but otherwise I loved them. If a person doesn't need any kind of support, then they are at the top of my list.

Popups are now activated at Xoasis.
They say that 63% of their customers wanted popups. They must be the customers on drugs. :)

They also say that in a "few weeks" they will have a feature that allows customers to change the banner to be footed if they want.

I am now with worldzone.net, they to me, are the most balanced for features, customality, & service, for a free host. Check them out before Jan. 1st though. :)
Originally posted by coolguy23
y don't u guys host it at virtualave.net....i host my domainzero domain there and it works perfectly, and they actually HAVE real cgi unlike xoasis, and also u can put the banner where ever u want to.

Coolguy23 is right. This is a good option that I forgot about. Although the banner has to be "above the fold"... they do host domains. I have a small site with them that just plugs along that I forget about. Never see Netwhistle tell me its down and so I'd say they are quite reliable.
Xoasis is fine if you never ever need support. Their "Customer Support" is NON EXISTENT.

I am glad I came over to this forum. I have been trying to get some info about "Xoasis" for about 2 months now and have not been able to get any specifics.

My CGI Scripts were not working and I could not figure out why. Now I see by reading the threads in this topic something is wrong with their CGI setup.

They offer a lot but do not deliver or as indicated by many before me respond to Customers. Yet they send out Email about securing Email and "POP UP" banners they want to place on web pages. I feel this is baloney and I would just suggest you not wait for them to provide a way to place the banners at the bottom of the page anytime soon. I think they are just lying about that. They are probably trying to keep people from dropping them and going elsewhere by promising something they have no intention of fullfilling.

I also agree with the above postings that they cannot ever be reached, they do not respond to Email, never have anyone in the "so called" chat room and lie about their features.

Who would want to upgrade to "Paid" hosting with folks who have this pitiful type of customer service?? :(:(
